
Accelerated testing and development to benefit patients as soon as possible.

We have a first-in-cat­e­go­ry plat­form that enables accel­er­a­tion of drug research and development.

Pipeline graph

  1. Dis­cov­ery

  2. Lead Selec­tion

  3. Pre­clin­i­cal

  4. Phase 1

  5. Phase 2

  • KAN-001, targeting Checkpoint Refractory Cancers, Preclinical 75% completed In partnership with MD Anderson Cancer Center


    Check­point Refrac­to­ry Cancers

  • KAN-001, targeting Checkpoint Naïve Cancers, Preclinical 25% completed


    Check­point Naïve Cancers

  • KAN-004, targeting Checkpoint-induced Colitis, Preclinical 25% completed


    Check­point-induced Colitis

Unlock­ing the micro­bio­me as a drug­gable organ system
A mouse colon slide illuminating the difference between the host and microbiome in pink and purple
Image: HiPR Mouse Colon

Harnessing the 9th organ system.

Our tech­nol­o­gy plat­forms can address all reg­u­la­to­ry require­ments and accel­er­ate crit­i­cal steps along the drug devel­op­ment path­way.

This will enable us to estab­lish the micro­bio­me as the vital 9th organ sys­tem, dri­ving new insights, increas­ing legit­i­mate ther­a­peu­tic options, and ulti­mate­ly improv­ing per­son­al­ized patient care.

Ther­a­peu­tic Partnerships

We’re working with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center on treatments for immuno-therapy resistant cancers.

HiPR FISH Tech­nol­o­gy lets us see how the rela­tion­ships inside the body react to each other.